email vom International Housing Office ...
Dear student,
We have received information that people have been smoking in your building. We would like to point out that Lund University has a non smoking policy and that smoking is not allowed in your building. To increase the security of your housing area your fire/smoke detector will soon be connected directly to the fire department. If the alarm goes off, the fire department will have an alarm as if there is a fire in the building. Please consider this when using the cooking facilities. If the alarm goes off due to smoking or other smoke causing activities (i.e. unattended cooking) in the room then the tenant responsible for the room will be charged for the cost which is approx SEK 5000.
Sind sie nicht nett? Immer so vorsichtig und bedacht um unsere Sicherheit ...
Stellt sich nur die Frage was mit denen passiert, die nicht kochen können?